• What is Unfetch?

    Unfetch is an online Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and deployment solution designed specifically for AI agents.

  • What are agents and loops?

    Agents are groups of actions, and loops are automated workflows designed to perform specific tasks using those actions.

  • Where can these agents be utilized?

    Unfetch adheres to Open API standards, allowing them to be published in the ChatGPT store or integrated with your internal tools, such as LangChain.

  • Where will the code run by default?

    By default, the code runs on our servers. However, Unfetch can configure automatic deployments to any cloud provider or a custom server.

  • Can Unfetch be integrated with version control systems like Git?

    Yes, Unfetch supports integration with version control systems such as Git. This allows for seamless collaboration and tracking of changes in your AI agent projects.

  • Are there any limitations on the programming languages supported by Unfetch?

    Unfetch agents' actions need to be written in JavaScript.

  • Do I need to know how to code?

    No, Unfetch automatically generates and codes actions for you. However, having a basic understanding of coding will assist you in reviewing the automatically generated actions.

  • I want an agent to address a specific task. Can you assist?

    Certainly, feel free to reach out. Unfetch can likely provide a solution that meets your needs.